[線上研討會] 什麼是研究資料管理?depositar (研究資料寄存所)能提供哪些協助?

[Webinar] What is Research Data Management, and how can the depositar help?

[English Webinar] What is Research Data Management, and how can the depositar help?

(Details in English below, after the Chinese introduction)

管理良好的資料不僅有助於研究的順利推進,還能提升研究品質,並促進資料的共享與再次使用。誠摯邀請您參與此次網路研討會,了解研究資料管理(Research Data Management, RDM)的相關議題,以及 depositar (研究資料寄存所)能為您的研究提供的支持。

研究資料寄存所過去舉辦多次 RDM 研討活動,也收到非諳華語的外籍研究者與學生詢問,希望能有英語研習課程。本次網路研討會(Webinar)首次將以英文進行。會議將介紹研究資料管理的基本概念,包括資料管理方案(Data Management Plan, DMP),並分享 depositar(目前已收錄超過 2,500 筆資料集)如何促進資料共享、協作研究及實踐 FAIR 資料原則(可被找到、可被取用、可相互操作、可再次使用)。無論您是經驗豐富的研究者,還是剛接觸資料管理的新手,此次網路研討會將提供實用的資訊與資源,幫助您更有效地管理與利用研究資料。

Join our upcoming webinar to learn about Research Data Management (RDM) and how the depositar data repository can support your research. We will cover the basics of research data management, including Data Management Plans, and explore how the depositar—which hosts over 2,500 datasets—supports data sharing, collaborative research and the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Whether you're an experienced researcher or new to data management, this session will provide valuable information and resources. The depositar is developed by a research team in Academia Sinica, with support from the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. Learn more about these topics at RDM Basics, the RDM Hub and the depositar.

The depositar is a collaborative project supported by the Institute of Information Science and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (both at Academia Sinica), and in part by research grants from the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. https://data.depositar.io/about
